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It's 2076; you are Roxana, a human who has just arrived in the Eternal City to attend a conference presented by your friend Sara, who recently made a significant discovery while working as an archaeologist at the St. Filippo Neri Museum.

The Papal States is ruled by pope Alexander IX, a member of the Conservative catholic faction which took over the Holy See after the so-called "The Silent War" - a war among corporations that left the Papal States in an economic recession. While the corporations were still licking their wounds, the pope caught the opportunity to chase off the country all the remaining corporations, thus starting" The Iconoclast War" which wasn't a complete success. Roxana will soon realize that the city and the Papal States are divided between political factions and soon she will have to make a choice.


The Hexagon is the neighborhood where your adventure takes place. It is a hexagonal-shaped pillar created by lifting a portion of the city of Rome. At its summit, you'll find various districts where the four factions have established themselves.

You will be able to join one of the three available factions.



The Order of the Templars. 

The military elite force directly under the pope's orders.

Their job is to deal with any magic threat and to make sure that the population complies with the Catholic ethics.

They are fearless warriors, trained in the art of swordsmanship and elemental magic. Every man in the army or in the police force who proves himself to be worthy to become a Templar can join their ranks.


Since the main character is a woman, the player cannot join the Templars.


The Praetorians. 

This counter-terrorist force protects the Papal States from every threat from the inside. Their strength lies in having a vast network of investigators and secret agents. Joining the Praetorians means having privileges that no police officer or soldier will ever have.



ZeoSet Co.

ZeoSet is a small Italian multinational company that managed to expand itself in Europe over the past decades, and contributed to the construction of the Hexagon in Rome. It focuses on media and entertainment, and it's currently looking for infiltration journalists. It also possesses a small private army of highly-trained mercenaries.



T h e    A n a r c h s

The Anarchs are rebel groups that seek to overthrow the regime and to drive out all the corporations from the country. They mainly reside in the Residential District - a prison district where the regime has confined all non-corporate metahumans and suspicious individuals. One of the most important groups is called Illuminatrix which has hired a group of Shadowrunners under the leadership of Yaj - the most dangerous runner in Rome.


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