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Shadowrun Rome is a Shadowrun Hong Kong mod developed by Herek, and it is a stand-alone project which will be available on Nexus.
Installation requires modifying the base game files.
A new .
New props designed by Diablo and Geeked.
Pre-defined protagonist.
A story-driven adventure.
A three faction-system - you can join one of the three available factions, and it will determine the political affiliation. This means that you don't start as a shadowrunner, but instead, as a regular citizen. Each faction has its own agenda, and you always must put your faction's best interest in mind.
There is no companion system, except in some missions.
Four main freely explorable hubs.
The story is divided into three chapters. In chapter 2, you will see the city in brought daylight.
There are many secondary quests.
NPCs are not just treated like quest dispensers. They belong to a faction, and thus have their own thoughts on the current political struggle, and they make sense in the world they belong. Each has its own relationship with other NPCs, hence some secondary quests are linked to other quests.
A new quest journal has been designed.
Lack of quest markers so that the player can explore and investigate the map without any help.
There are many texts in the world to read.
A very strong established lore has been written for Rome. (The lore is not canon).
The level design partially showcases elements of vertical exploration.
Multiple ways to approach the quests through the player's skills.
Each environmental choice and each dialogue choice made during any quest will have long-term consequences.
You can choose to go stealth. A new stealth mechanic has been developed.
New skills such as lockpicking and synthesizing drugs (we will probably implement more further on).
Some NPCs will be able to teach the player, hence increasing the player's skills up to a certain level, or new additional skills such as lockpicking and synthesizing drugs.
New items.





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