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24/8/2076      7:34



The daily magazine Atena is an intellectual property of ZeoSet co. 

VOL. 65,350                                                                    Rome, Sunday, August 24                                                                    5 nuyen                                                                               


3. LoLnet - it's a group of deckers.

LoLnet is been responsible for many decking attacks that caused the death of many innocent people. Their goal, however, is to uncover whichever secret a company is hiding and make it public. Of all the Anarch groups, LoLnet is considered to be the most anti-establishment.


4. Oggi Roma - it's an independent newspaper edited by former ZeoSet journalist known in The Hexagon's underworld as Xandre. She deeply believes that the truth belongs to everyone, and that there's no difference between conspiracy and privacy. With the help of LoLnet, the newspaper carries out decking attacks to disclose and spread ordinary citizens' personal information such as bank accounts, e-mails, private photos, documents etc. By doing so, Oggi Roma established a love-hate relationship with the public opinion. Despite this, the similarities with LoLnet lie in the fact that Oggi Roma, in addition of distributing and selling its articles all across the country, always aims to question the veracity of our newspaper and the Vatican's "Il Verbo".


There is too much tension, and everyone's attention is on The Hexagon.







City Hall District. 

The district is the center of power of the state where the town hall, the police station, and the Praetorian base are located - although the latter is located within the Templar District, but soon it will move into the City Hall District. The district serves as a node for all districts, given its central location.


Templar District.

Here Templars and the ecclesiastics exert their power. The most important locations are the cathedral and the Inquisitorial Tribunal, but the district features an orphanage, military logistics centers of the Templars, a hospital, a library, a Diocesan Chancery, and various scattered shrines where priests preach the word of the Lord. In addition, the district houses all the homeless corporate citizens who have nowhere to stay.


Financial District.

Any Italian or European multinational corporation not in the Corporate Court can acquire extraterritoriality in this very district. Therefore, the district is the territory of multinationals that have opened several stores, small companies, and businesses over the years. The multinational company that stands out the most is ZeoSet: the de jure and not the de facto owner of the entire Hexagon.

Industrial District.

Prior to the Iconoclast War, this district was the main hub of many small companies and multinationals which were destroyed by the Templars or acquired and then later on shut down by the companies that survived the conflict. However, the district now is abandoned. Among its ruins that still show the signs of war, infested by demon rats and other foul creatures, criminals and mafia families carry on their illegal business, and all sorts of individuals conduct their shady nocturnal activities.


District of St.Marco.

The residential district of all corporate citizens. When hired by a company, a citizen is given the corporate citizen status - that and a new apartment located in this district.


District of St.Filippo Neri.

The residential district of all bronze human citizens. Recently, however, the district was abandoned due to the discovery of an ancient residence beneath the district.

All the citizens who lived here were relocated to the Residential District which the authorities promised that is only temporary. The only major attraction in this district is the museum.


Residential District.

Called "Selva", or "Metahumans' Nest", or simply "Nest" by the locals, the district hosts only non-corporative metahuman citizens. The district consists only of two skyscrapers that extend even below the surface, in a labyrinthine and claustrophobic complex in which each floor several residential blocks can be found. Impossible for them to leave (unless they work for the state in one form or another), the citizens are left and abandoned without any form of assistance from the state - a place where criminals and anarchists reign supreme.


Entertainment District.

Also known as "Hexaven", this district is mainly dedicated to entertainment, fun, and relaxation. This district was designed to offer a wide range of activities and attractions. It's fair to mention that some of the activities are owned by the state itself which only offer attractions such as restaurants and cafes/bars, parks and theme parks, and movie theaters. Those owned by regular companies instead consist of nightclubs, shopping malls, movie theaters, concerts open spaces, and so on. Last but not least, this district has one of the best vistas from the edge of the Hexagon from which the vast plains of the northeast can be seen. 


School District.

Just like the entertainment district, the school district's ownership is split between the companies that have extraterritoriality and the Vatican. Several public schools (owned by the Vatican) and private schools are located here which provide different levels of education.




Giovanni Rusca.

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