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24-8-2076      7:34

The lore of Shadowrun Rome is not canon


The daily magazine Il Verbo is an intellectual property of the Papal States. 

VOL. 200,854                                                                   Rome, Sunday, August 24                                                                    9 nuyen                                                                               

The lore of Shadowrun Rome is not canon


The Papal States has a lawmaking system split between the pope and the Senate.



The Senate partially holds the legislative power. It has five hundred seats, of which half is elected by the Silver and Golden citizens every five years, while the other half is appointed by the pope.


A senator or a group of senators of any party can lay out the process for creating a law. If the corporate citizens are involved, a bill must be approved by the Senate in order to be enrolled, enacted, and then executed by the Concistoro (the executive branch). On the otherhand, only senators from the party "The Cross" can propose laws that involve the citizens of the state. And in this case, a bill must be approved by the pope himself before being enrolled, enacted and then executed by the Concistoro.


There are currently four parties in the Senate:


>The Cross: this is the party made up of the two hundred and fifty senators which half are appointed by the pope, and the other is elected by the citizens of the state.

>The Golden Triangle: it holds 20% of the seats, and it believes that a liberal corporatocracy is the best form of government.

>Italy Reborn: it's a liberal party which holds 18% of the seats.

>Associazione Pro-Metaumani (APM): it's the only left wing socialist party that holds only 12% of the seats, and it fights for the working class, and for metahumans' rights - strongly opposing the current theocracy.

(This party was declared illegal after being responsible for many terrorist attacks).

It's the executive branch made of thirty cardinals appointed by the pope at the head of the thirty Ministerial departments.


>It's the executive branch - thirty cardinals appointed by the pope to preside each Ministry.

>It leads of the police forces.

>It gives technical support to the pope in the lawmaking process.


Within the Consistoro there is a subset of cardinals who make up the Small Council.


It's a set of six papal councilors in charge of six ministries who advise the pope.


Last but not least, there's the pope.

He is the spiritual ruler of the Papal States, and he's elected by the Conclave. He can enact or reject any bill proposed by The Cross.


In addition:

>He is in charge of the diplomats.

>He leads the army, and he's the only one who can declare war.

>He appoints or displaces the members of the Consistoro and the members of the Small Council.

>He makes laws on his own that can only regulate the citizens of the state and not the corporate citizens.



Small Council


The Pope

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